The corona virus COVID-19 ( SARS-CoV-2 ) changes everything. The world as we knew it, social life and large parts of the economy have come to a standstill. Cohesion, character and care are therefore more important than ever. We, as part of the whole, are certain that the crisis will not last forever!
What the world will look like after Corona, we decide now! All over the world, people are showing solidarity and considering how to find solutions to the symptoms of the crisis. You can find our joint contribution under :
A self-printing breathing mask for owners of a 3D printer!
With instructions and printing data. For you and for others!
Stay healthy, together we will overcome the crisis.
bplan GmbH 2020
bplan, your competent development electrotechnology partner and provider of design and manufacturing services. Development schematic, PCB layout, ARM® PowerPC® Hardware Design.
Our specialists have decades of experience working with digital technologies, and well-known names such as Freescale, NASA and Sony among the list of organizations that use their inventions.
The following pages are provided to give an initial overview on our services and projects. Additionally, they supply all required information on how to contact us for further inquiries.
bplan Gesellschaft für Planung und Fertigung elektrotechnischer Baugruppen mbH
Industriestraße 9a
61449 Steinbach
Phone: +49 ( 0 ) 6171 - 91870
Fax : +49 ( 0 ) 6171 - 918740